- Donor None
- Project Duration October 2024-December 2025
- Is Active Yes

Welcome to the Jesuits for Climate Justice campaign, which seeks to inform and advocate on important climate issues up to and during the upcoming COP29. This campaign is a joint initiative of JESC (EU), Jesuit Missions (UK), Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice (Ireland), Arrupe Centre (Madagascar) and the Jesuit Centre for Ecology and Development (Malawi).
“I ask everyone to accompany this pilgrimage of reconciliation with the world that is our home and to help make it more beautiful.” (Pope Francis, LD 69)
The worldwide Ignatian community came together to issue a Global Statement reinforcing climate justice commitments and outlining three crucial demands for COP29 and COP30: an effective Loss and Damage Fund, Debt Cancellation for climate efforts, and a Just Energy Transition. This Global Statement was already endorsed by numerous individuals and institutions, such as the Presidents of the six Jesuit Conferences, numerous Provincials, the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network on Ecology (Ecojesuit), the Social Justice Ecology Secretariat in Rome, and hundreds of dedicated members of the Ignatian Family. Join your name to those who already signed and call for change!